acute - Acute illnesses develop suddenly and last a short time (often only a few days or weeks)., Chronic - Chronic means it is persisting (lasting) for a long time or is constantly recurring (happening)., Allergy - An allergy is a name given to the body's reaction to a particular substance (foods, medication, the environment), Prescription - A prescription is written on a piece of paper by a doctor, giving permission to get a specific medicine. You can not buy prescription medicines without a prescription., Dose - A dose refers to the quantity (amount) of the drug/medicine taken., Pharmacy  - A pharmacy is responsible for managing and distributing (giving out) medications., Outpatient - A patient who attends a hospital for treatment without staying there overnight., Over the Counter - Medicines you can buy without a prescription are called over-the-counter medicines. They may be taken to treat minor (small) health problems at home., Dispense - To prepare and distribute (give out) medication, Pigeon Holes - Small, open compartments used for filing or sorting e.g., papers, letters., Dosage - The frequency (how often) a drug/medicine is taken., Hatch - The area where medications are passed to patients.,


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