Brueghel - Baroque Artist, painted on a plate of copper, his father, brothers, and sons were all artists, sometimes referred to as Velvet , River Landscape - Baroque Title, known for delicate brush strokes, glowing colors, attention to detail, van Dyck - Baroque Artist, idealizes his subjects to gain deeper perspective, uses colors of rich fabric, Queen Henrietta Maria with Sir Jeffrey Hudson - Baroque Title, shows wife of England's King Charles I, de Vlieger - Baroque Artist, famous for his seascapes, or marine paintings, paints on canvas, Estuary at Day's End - Baroque Title, overall mood of painting is serene and calm, arranged in horizontal bands, van Beyeren - Baroque Artist, son of a glassmaker, had little success, liked to show the play of light on different textures, A Roemer with Grapes, a Pewter Plate, and a Roll - Baroque title, still life painting, triangle shape gives the composition order and balance using a mixture of broad and light brush strokes, de Hooch - Baroque artist, paints using straight lines, A Dutch Courtyard - Baroque title, realistic details, moral message to keep clean and tidy, Carreño - Spanish Baroque artist, portraits show personality, official painter to the king and queen in Spain, Portrait of Michol (Miguel Pol?)  - Baroque title, painted on canvas, uses contrast of colors, Pater - Baroque artist, uses a wood panel to paint with oils, father was a sculptor, A Pastoral Concert - Baroque title, uses curving lines, light colors, and playful moods to show perspective,

Baroque Anagrams


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