On ____, I light one more Hanukah candle each ____. This helps me remember that we should work to bring more ____ into the world every day. On ____, I wear costumes, I eat ____, and I shake the ____ to blot out wicked Haman's name. We do these things to remember the story of ____ and to stand up for what's right. During ____, I eat ____ and we tell the story of ____ getting out of Egypt. That helps us remember to work for ____ for everyone. On ____ we celebrate the ____ of the trees. We eat ____ and fruit that grow on trees. It's also a great time to ____ parsley seeds or other herbs that we will want to eat in a few months for Passover. Celebrating Tu BiShvat helps us remember to take care of the natural ____. ____ is the ____ of the year. To celebrate we might go ____ picking so we can eat apples and ____. We might go to a ____ store. We do these things because we want to have a good and ____ new year.

Chanukah - Jewish Holiday Fill in the Blank



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