gravity - The force of attraction between two objects in the universe, dust particles - are pulled together by gravity and they stick together to form larger rock partickes, planet - The process of rocky pieces sticking together by the force of gravity continues to form a, solar system - Gravity keeps the components of the -------- in orbit around the Sun., explore - Looking up at the night sky was the first way to --------- the solar system , telescope - With the invention of the ----------- more discoveries were made., space probes - Today we send out , interstellar object - An object which moves across space between the stars, astronomer - The first interstellar object was discovered in 2017 by an ----------- at the Haleakala Observatory , Moon - The movement of the -------- affects the tides at the edges of our oceans and seas, gravitational pull - The water in the oceans is affected by the ----------- of the Moon, high tide - The differences in force of attraction of the Moon on parts of the Earth can cause a, low tide - The level of water in the other parts of the oceans falls and produces a, orbits - Twice a month, the Sun and the Moon are in line as the Moon ------ the Earth, spring tides - The tides when the difference between low tide and high tide is greatest when the gravitational pull of the Sun is small and the pull of the Moon is stronger., neap tides - When the difference between low and high tides is at its least, days - The Moon moves around the Earth in 28, plane - The imaginary surface in which an orbit lies is called the, eclipse - When the Sun, Moon and Earth line up exactly a total --------- of the Sun occurs, Earth - When the Sun, ------- and Moon line up it called a total eclipse of the Moon,

The Earth in space



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