1) What is the correct definition of Background radiation? a) 2 neutrons and 2 protons b) a constant level of radiation on the planet that varies but it no risk to humans c) radioisotopes d) a fast moving electron 2) What Radiation type is used in a smoke Alarm? a) Alpha b) Beta c) Gamma d) All 3) What does the alpha radiation do to oxygen and nitrogen in the air in a smoke alarm? a) neutralisies it b) electrifies it c) charges it d) ionises it 4) What doe the smoke do to oxgen and nitogen in a smoke alarm? a) neutralises them b) electrifies them c) charges them d) ionises them 5) Why is it important for a source in a smoke alarm to have a long half life? a) Don't need to replace it often b) the the current drop between the plates is due to smoke not decayed alpha c) Only need a very small amount of a very dangerous source d) All of the above 6) What is a source of man made background radiation? a) cosmic rays b) rocks c) hospitals d) food 7) Why is gamma the only suitable type of radiation to find a leak underground? a) least dangerous b) can travel long distances c) not stopped by thin metal d) all of the above 8) What is the correct sequence of events in a fossil fuel or nuclear power station? a) heat water, burn fuel,turn turbine, spin generator b) burn fuel, heat water, create steam, turn turbine, spin generator c) burn fuel, heat water, spin generator , turn turbine d) heat water, burn fuel, turn turbine, spin generator 9) What fuel is used in a nuclear power station? a) Plutonium b) Radon c) Amercium d) Uranium 10) What is the term for the reaction that takes place in a nuclear reactor? a) nuclear fission b) nuclear fusion 11) What is released along with the energy when nuclear fission occurs? a) electrons b) protons c) neutrons d) nothing just energy released 12) What do the extra neutrons released do to make this called a chain reaction? a) nothing b) cause another atom to splt c) nuclear fussion d) turn into a beta particle 13) Enriched uranium has had extra uranium 235 added to it then would occur naturally this is what power stations use/ a) True b) False 14) What is an example of a nuclear chain reaction? a) Chernobyl Disaster b) Nagasaki Atomic Bomb c) Three Mile island radiation leak d) Fukushima 15) Why are people still affected by the atomic bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima in 1945? a) They were alive when it was dropped b) They are the sons and daughters of victims c) Uranium has a very long half life d) The chain reaction continues 16) What is the purpose of exposing materials to radiation in a controlled environment to create artificial radioactivity? a) Ensure only as radioactive as need them to be b) Make fit for purpose c) keep danger to humans to a minimum d) All of the above 17) What is the purpose of a graphite moderator in a nuclear reactor? a) speed up neutrons b) slow down neutrons c) release neutrons d) absorb neutrons 18) What is the purpose of a boron control rod in a nuclear reactor? a) speed up neutrons b) slow down neutrons c) release neutrons d) absorb neutrons 19) Why does the water that is heated in a nuclear reactor not get released but is cooled down and returned to the reactor? a) it is simpler this way b) no reason c) to radioactive would harm people. 20) reprocessing is done at sellafield what kind of nuclear waste is reprocessed? a) low level b) high level

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