1) I have known my best friend ......1999. a) for b) since c) from d) ago e) in 2) I ...... in London from 2001 to 2009. a) have lived b) lived c) live d) has lived e) did live 3) I have had this car .......2 years a) for b) since c) ago d) in e) before 4) I ....... in a bank ten years ago. a) have worked b) work c) worked d) has worked e) did work 5) They ..... together since they finished school. a) have played b) play c) played d) has played e) have play 6) He ....three novels, and he is writing his next one now. a) wrote b) has written c) writes d) have written e) has wrote f) written 7) I have had a headache .......8 o'clock. a) for b) since c) from d) in e) before 8) How long ........a member of parliament? a) is he b) have he been c) were he d) has he been e) he has been 9) How many times ......the queen? a) did he met b) has he meet c) he met d) has he met e) have he met 10) I .... to Norway last week. a) gone b) have been c) was d) have gone e) has been f) went

Present perfect


દૃશ્યમાન શૈલી


ટેમ્પલેટ બદલો

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