1) This house is ______________ (beautiful) than that house. a) more b) beautifuler c) most beautiful 2) Pablo is___________________ (sociable) than Luis. a) most sociable b) more sociable c) sociabler 3) Tv shows are_______________________(interesting) than cartoons. a) more interesting b) interestinger c) the most interesting 4) This math excercise is _____________________ (easy) than the previous excercise. a) more easy b) easier c) the most easy 5) Friday was ____________________(hot) day than Saturday. a) the most hot b) more hotter c) more hoter 6) Chinese is_________________________ (difficult) than English language. a) more difficult b) difficultier c) the most difficult 7) Michael and Jack are_________________________ (young) than Paul. a) youngest b) younger c) more young 8) My brother is ____________________ (tall) than my grandfather. a) more tall b) taller c) tallest 9) My new car goes_________________________(fast) than my old one. a) more fast b) most fast c) faster 10) The computer is __________________ (big) than the cell phone. a) more big b) bigger c) biger



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