How much bread did people usually eat before World War 1? - 1/2 a kilogram a day, When did Hurricane Katrina happen? - 2005, Which company started trying self-driving cars first? - Google, What does the nutmeg seed look like? - It's purple-brown colored, 2 to 3 cm long by about 2 cm across, How old are some qanat tunnels? - 2,700 years old, How big are microbes? - so small we can't see them, How many geoglyphs are there in England? - 56, What causes plants to react to temperature? - a molecular mechanism, Where is Oppland? - south-central Norway, When did shipbuilders start using a modern method? - in the first centuries of the current era, Where did the idea for bike-sharing come from? - Amsterdam, How much fat do polar bears have? - up to 11 inches, Who was Djoser's main official? - Inhotep, Where does Yngve Zotternamn work? - Karolinska Institute, When did scientists develop tools to study the ocean? - in the 20th century,

IE4A - Scanning (IELTS)



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