1) If it _________ (be) very cold, water _________ (freeze).  a) is/freezes b) be/freeze c) be/freezes 2) She _________ (not to be) productive if she ____________ (do not drink) a cup of coffee in the morning. a) isn't/doesn't drink b) not to be/doesn't drink c) isn't/do not drink 3) When you _________ (wake up) earlier, you _________ (manage) to do more chores. a) wake up/manage b) wakes up/manages c) wakes up/manage 4) If you _________ (be) a parent, you _________ (worry) about your kids all the time. a) are/worry b) be/worry c) are/worries 5) A person _________ (become) happier when they _________ (see) their friends and family. a) becomes/see b) become/see c) becomes/sees 6) When modern parents _________ (have) children, they _________ (try) to continue living an active lifestyle. a) have/try b) has/tries c) has/tryes

A2 White Lies Zero Conditional



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