1) There are _____ cups on the kitchen table. a) SOME b) ANY 2) Have you got _____ brothers or sisters? a) SOME b) ANY 3) There aren't _____ pencils in my pencil case. a) SOME b) ANY 4) Is there _____ paper to draw on? a) ANY b) SOME 5) _____ students are in the computer lab at the moment. a) SOME b) ANY 6) There are ______ pillows on Lisa's bed. a) SOME b) ANY 7) I have got _____ good video-games. a) SOME b) ANY 8) Mark hasn't got ____ cousins. a) SOME b) ANY 9) There aren't ______ books in my backpack. a) SOME b) ANY 10) They have got ____ sandwiches. a) SOME b) ANY


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