1) When we jump in the air which force pulls us back down to Earth? a) gravity b) electricity 2) There is no gravity on the Moon. True or false? a) true b) false 3) What is the Sun? a) a planet b) a moon c) a comet d) a star 4) The Earth moves around the Sun. This is called an orbit. How long does it take for the Earth to complete a full orbit of the Sun? a) a week b) a month c) a year 5) The Moon orbits the Earth. How long does it take for the Moon to complete an orbit of the Earth? a) about a week b) about a month c) about a year 6) How many planets are there in the Solar System? a) 4 b) 5 c) 6 d) 7 e) 8 f) 9 7) Which is the biggest planet in our Solar System? a) Earth b) Venus c) Mars d) Neptune e) Jupiter 8)  Which two planets are closest to Earth? a) Mercury b) Uranus c) Venus d) Saturn e) Mars 9) Which planet has the longest orbit of the Sun? (One year lasts the same as 165 Earth years) a) Jupiter b) Nepture c) Saturn d) Mars 10) Mass and weight are... a) the same measurement b) different measurements 11) Your weight stays the same but your mass can change depending on where you are. a) true b) false 12) Where would you weigh the least?  a) on Earth b) on the Moon c) on Jupiter d) in outer space 13) Which of these has the strongest gravitational pull? a) Earth b) Sun c) Moon d) Jupiter e) Mercury 14) What unit do we use to measure the force of gravity?  a) centimetres (cm) b) grams (g) c) newtons (N) d) miles per hour (mph) e) litres (l) 15) What creates the craters on the Moon? a) volcanoes b) earthquakes c) asteroids d) stars 16) What do we call this Moon phase? a) final quarter b) full moon c) new moon d) waxing crescent 17) Complete this sentence: "The Sun shines but the Moon..." a) relaxes b) reacts c) reflects d) rejects 18) What planet is this robot exploring? a) Venus b) Mercury c) Uranus d) Mars 19) Our Solar System is part of which galaxy? a) the Milky Way b) Andromeda c) Cassiopeia  20) In this picture every dot you can see is a galaxy (containing billions of stars). a) true b) false 21) Which is bigger? a) galaxy b) universe 22) What is a galaxy made of? Choose 3. a) stars b) gas c) glitter d) dust 23) The universe contains trillions (too many 0s to fit in here) of galaxies.  a) true b) false 24) A galaxy contains millions (1,000,000s) and sometimes billions (1,000,000,000,000s) of stars like our Sun.  a) true b) false



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