1) I … a lot but I quit last year. a) used to smoke b) am used to smoking c) get used to smoking 2) She didn’t like wearing contact lenses at first but she … it. a) used to b) got used to c) was used to 3) I … in a noisy room, it’s not a problem for me. a) am used to work b) get used to work c) am used to working 4) They moved to Norway last year and she … to cold. a) used to b) was used to c) got used to 5) Don’t worry, Mike, you will soon …... in the city! a) used to live b) be used to live c) get used to living 6) It’s rainy in St Petersburg, so I …... an umbrella with me all the time. a) get used to carry b) am used to carry c) am used to carrying 7) I … rock music, but now I never listen to it. a) used to listen b) used to listening c) get used to listen 8) I adore hot weather. I think I’ll never … freezing cold. a) used to b) get used to c) be used to 9) It’s too noisy but I’ll ……. working here. a) used to b) get used to c) been used 10) When we were children, we used to …… hiking very often. a) to go b) going c) go 11) I hope I will ...... to waking up early. a) get used b) used  c) be used 12) Did you ..... to this lifestyle?  a) used   b) get used c) use 13) She didn’t …… have a pet some years ago. a) used to b) use to c) use 14) They .... already..... the cold a) used to b) are used c) are used to 15) She wasn’t used …….. in the countryside long hours. a) to walk b) walk c) to walking 16) He couldn’t use a computer at first, but he……. to it. a) got used b) got used to c) used to 17) We …… eat out on Saturdays but now don't. a) used to   b) use to c) get used to 18) They still haven’t got …… by the sea. a) used to live b) used to living c) didn’t use to living 19) She ……. getting up early in the morning yet. a) wouldn’t b) isn’t used to c) didn’t use to 20) He ……. live on his own at first. a) isn’t used to b) isn’t getting used c) didn’t use to

used to/ get used to/ be used to



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