Presenting an argument - First of all/ Firstly/ To begin with/ For a start, Adding an argument - Secondly/ Then/ In addition/ Also/ What’s more/ not to mention the fact that/ Not only that but, Expressing a strong opinion - In my opinion/ I strongly believe/ In my view/ I’m sure that/ I definitely think that, Expressing certainty - In fact/ Actually/ Clearly/ Obviously/ Without doubt/ There’s no doubt that, Expressing agreement - I couldn’t agree with you more/ I’m with you on that/ That’s a good point/ Exactly!/ Precisely!/ Absolutely!/ That’s right!, Agreeing in part - Perhaps, however/ Yes, in a way, however/ Possibly but/ I agree up to a point/ Although this is true..., Expressing disagreement - I don’t think so!/ I’m afraid I can’t agree!/ Definitely not!/ On the contrary, Illustrating a point - For example/ For instance/ To illustrate my point, Delaying strategies - I’ll need time to think about it/ That’s an interesting point/ Well, it depends on what you mean, Generalisations - Generally/ In general/ As a rule/ Usually/ Typically, Conclusions - So, finally/ In the end/ In conclusion/ To conclude/ To make a long story short/ So in short/ All in all/ To sum up/ In a nutshell,

The language of debate and expressing opinions



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