1) My brother ............... some juice yesterday a) drinked b) drank c) drinks d) drinkeds 2) I ................ breakfast at nine o'clock a) had b) has c) have d) didn't had 3) My mum ...... shopping last Saturday. a) goes b) didn't went c) went d) go 4) He ........ pizza yesterday. a) eat b) ote c) eats d) ate 5) They ...... around the fire.  a) sat b) sit c) satted d) sits 6) I ..... a letter to my love!  a) write b) writes c) wrotes d) wrote 7) The girl ...... the hidden treassure . a) find b) founded c) found d) finds 8) Her mum ...... her a kiss. a) gave b) gives c) give d) gaves

Sentences - Irregular verbs



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