1) What is this 2D shape? a) rectangle b) triangle 2) How many circles can you see in this train? a) 3 b) 4 3) What is this 2D shape? a) circle b) triangle 4) I have no corners. I have one side. I go round and round. What am I? a) circle b) square 5) There are 2 rectangles. I draw one more rectangle. How many rectangles are there now? a) 3 b) 1 6) How many squares can you see in this house? a) 5 b) 4 7) There are 8 circles. I erased one circle. How many circles are left? a) 10 b) 7 8) I have 4 straight sides. I have 4 corners. All my sides are the same length. What am I? a) square b) rectangle


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