Do you like to be busy every day?, What sports do you enjoy playing?, What kind of TV programmes do you like to watch?, What are you going to do this evening?, Do you prefer to spend time with your friends or your family at the weekend?, Do you often have to do homework at the weekend?, What are you planning to do next weekend?, What are you going to do in your next holidays?, What skill or hobby would you like to learn?, What would you like to do on your next birthday?, Do you enjoy long journeys?, Tell us about an interesting place you've traveled to., Have you ever had a part-time job?, Would you prefer to work for a big or small company?, Do you enjoy playing computer games in your free time?, How much time do you spend listening to music?, What's the best way to travel in your area?, What good memories do you have of school?, Who are you most like in your family?, What are you going to do after this exam?,

Cambridge First Part 1 Question Wheel



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