Last year we decided to (1) ____ away without the rest of the family as a birthday treat. My sister, who lives near the airport, offered to (2) ____ us up for the night and the next morning we (3) set off in plenty of time to drive to the airport. Even though the snow (4) ____ us up for a little while, the trip was fine and we got there in plenty of time. My husband (5) ____ me off in front of the departures gate and he went to park the car while I joined a queue to (6) ____ in our bags for the flight. However, ninety minutes later, the final call for our flight was being announced and my husband still wasn't back. I waited. Eventually, he (7) ____ up, very stressed, and we arrived at the departure gate with only a few minutes to spare. Apparently he (8) had ____ his coat behind in the car after he'd parked and had to go back to get it because his passport was in the pocket. Unfortunately he'd also forgotten where he'd parked it!

Gold B2 First Unit 7 Page 75 Phrasal Verbs



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