1) you can put it() you like  a) so that b) because c) wherever . d) in case 2) I would prefer()rather than watch tv a) read b) .to read c) reading d) reads 3) you will () sick if you eat all those sweets a) be . b) been c) to be  4) If ali doesn’t study barder, he may a) .fail b) fails c) failed  5) (circle) ( radio - shampoo - papsi - spring water) a) Radio . b) shampoo c) papsi d) spring water  6) (circle)(magazine - newspaper - billboard - toothpaste) a) magazine b) newspaper c) billboard d) toothpaste . 7) broke a) .out of many  b) logo 8) blow a) waste money . b) exposed 9) max out a) spend up to the limit.  b) consumer 10) beat it a) leave quickly.  b) out of money 11) I was late,I took a taxi() a) since b) because . c) if d) so that  12) i won’t go to the party() she invites me a) if. b) because c) so that d) unless  13) if you put water in freezer, it () ice a) become  b) became c) becomes . d) becoming  14) admire a) respect. b) left unprotected  15) exposed a) left unprotected. b) natural 



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