Background: Ambition enhanced (加強) by early colonial expansion - Economic expansion created wealth so European countries became more ____ to expand overseas. - Existing ____ became the bases (基礎) for expanding colonial ____. Background: Independence of colonies in the Americas - From the 18th to 19th centuries, colonies in the Americas became ____ from colonial rule. - The ____ Doctrine: (1) It was announced by the United States (2) It demanded that the Americas should no longer be treated as ____ of colonization (3) It warned Europe not to interfere (介入) in the affairs (事務) of the ____ Hemisphere - As a result, European countries sought to (尋求) build new colonies in ____ and Africa after losing their colonies in the Americas. Background: ____ (優越感) of European countries - After the ____ Revolution, European countries' had great strength in ____ and military (軍事). - Traditional Asian powers such as China and ____ began to decline (減弱), and Southeast Asian and African countries were weak. - ____ in national power aroused European countries' ambitions to expand into Asia and Africa. Reason: Political Aspect - There was limited room for expansion in Europe because the ____ of Europe largely took shape (成形). Therefore, the land for expansion in Europe was limited. - Rise of development of ____ (民族主義; 國家主義): (1) it supported national ____ by overpowering (征服) other peoples (2) it urged European countries to speed up ____ (侵略) against other peoples: they carried out colonial expansion to gain national ____ to enhance (加強) international influence Reason: Economic aspect - Stronger demands for resources and markets: European countries sought ____ and overseas markets for ____ industrial goods. - Huge ____ and resources available in Asia and Africa Reason: Social and cultural aspect - Ideas of the 'white man's ____': (1) ____ (white people) believed that it was their duty to ____ the inferior (低等的) Asians and Africans (non-white people) (2) Some ____ (傳教士) supported overseas expansion in order to spread Christianity to Asia and Africa. For example, ____ and schools were built.

Topic 6: Later colonial expansion (background + reasons)


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