At the beginning of the school year, a new group of teachers arrived at the language school. Among them was Mr. Thompson, a young and enthusiastic teacher who had ____ teaching English. He had always loved the language and was determined to ____ it. One day, a student named Mary approached Mr. Thompson after class. She told him that she was struggling with some of the material and felt like the other teachers ____ her. Mr. Thompson knew that he needed to ____ it and help her ____ her doubts. He invited her for a ____ talk in his office and asked her to explain what she was having trouble with. Mary opened up to him, and he realized that she had a ____ approach to learning the language. She didn't believe in herself and needed a ____ talk to boost her confidence. Mr. Thompson saw that she had a ____ and the potential to do great things if she just ____. He decided to help her by giving her extra attention and offering her additional resources. He knew that if he could help her ____ her doubts, she would be able to make progress and succeed, maybe even ____ her peers! Mr. Thompson's ____ was perfect for this situation. He never talked down to her, nor did he ever lose his ____ with her. He knew that getting angry or frustrated would ____ her motivation and make it even more difficult for her to succeed. Over time, with Mr. Thompson's support and encouragement, Mary's confidence grew. She worked hard, ____, and made progress. By the end of the year, she had made remarkable strides and was grateful for Mr. Thompson's ____ commitment to helping her succeed. In the end, Mr. Thompson's ____ talk with Mary had made all the difference. His belief in her abilities had given her the confidence to ____ and reach her full potential. She had gone from having a ____ to being a confident and capable English speaker, all thanks to the efforts of a dedicated teacher who had ____

C1/C2 Conversation Lexis review



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