1) Simon is playing! Look at ____! a) he b) him 2) She is our teacher! Look at ___! She’s my aunt. ____ name is Molly.  a) She b) Her 3) _____ house is big. a) Our b) We 4) He’s my uncle. ____ name is Ben. a) Her b) His 5) Jenny is drawing! Look at ____! a) she b) her 6) Can you see the mouse? No, I can't see ___ a) her b) it c) him 7) Can you see Tico? Yes, I can see ____ a) him b) her c) it 8) Can you see the rabbit? No, I can't see ____ a) him b) her c) it 9) Can you see Sue? Yes, I can see ____ a) her b) him c) me 10) I love __ a) you b) your c) her 11) Can you see ___? a) me b) she c) he

WA2 U10 L2 Me/you/him/her/us/them



દૃશ્યમાન શૈલી


ટેમ્પલેટ બદલો

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