Chop the plant tissue - This breaks down the cell walls, Add sodium chloride (salt) - This causes the DNA to clump, Add washing up liquid - This breaks down the cell membrane, Put into a 60C water bath for 15 mins - This denatures the enzymes that would break down the DNA, Put into an ice bath - This slows down the breakdown of DNA, Blend for 3 seconds - This further breaks down the cell walls, without causing the DNA to become broken down, Filter into a beaker - This causes the cell parts to stay in the filter paper, and allows the DNA to pass through, Add protease - This breaks down the proteins around the DNA (in the chromosomes), Add ice cold ethanol slowly down the side of the test tube - This causes the DNA to float to the surface of the liquid, At the end the DNA looks like... - White stringy mucus,

LC Biology DNA Isolation Experiment



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