1) Provide a brief and simple summary of the story. 2) Do you think Mary is a happy woman in her marriage? Why/ Why not? 3) Do you think Patrick is happy? Why/Why not? 4) What do you think it was that Patrick told his wife? Explain why you think this. 5) Do you think Mary planned to murder her husband with the leg of lamb? 6) How clever do you think Mary is? Explain your answer. 7) What helps confirm Mary’s story to the police? 8) How does a male stereotype of women work to Mary’s advantage in her story? 9) Who is the victim in this story? Why? 10) Does Mary's pregnancy have an influence in the story? 11) Which character do you sympathize with most in the story? Why? 12) Did you like the story? Why / Why not?

Superior The leg of lamb



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