1) What is Work? a) Meeting friends b) Doing tasks & being paid c) Sitting on my phone 2) What is a skill? a) Being lazy b) Something I am good at c) Not listening 3) What is a quiet environment? a) Library b) Pub c) Building site 4) What is a noisy environment? a) Spa b) Hairdressers c) Bank 5) What job requires standing up? a) Cleaning b) Office work c) Bus Driver 6) Does everyone have the same skills? a) Yes b) No 7) When you have a job you must... a) Sit on your phone all day b) Ignore your team c) Be on time 8) What is an employee? a) A volunteer b) Person who has a job c) A person who likes zumba 9) What is an employer? a) A boss b) A friend c) A family member 10) What goes in a CV? a) My dog's name b) What I had for dinner last night c) All About Me 11) What is a contract? a) Your job role agreement b) A list of holiday places c) A list of your favourite songs 12) What is one of the benefits of having a job? a) To do nothing all day b) To get paid c) To play the Xbox

The Employment Quiz



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