1) While ... for the bus, an accident happened. a) I waited b) I was waiting 2) Fay ... in the park when she found 20 dollars. a) was walking b) walked 3) While Bill was riding his bike, he ... to music on his MP3 player. a) was listening b) listened 4) Sam saw a dolphin while he ...  a) swam. b) was swimming. 5) Claire was ironing when her phone ... a) was ringing. b) rang. 6) Claude was painting his bedroom walls while Mrs Williams ... a) was sleeping. b) slept. 7) Claude was painting his bedroom walls when he ... a scream. a) heard b) was hearing 8) When the fire alarm went off, the cat ... out of the window. a) was jumping b) jumped 9) Tom was studying when Claire ... a) was calling b) called 10) It ... hard when he fell off his bike. a) was raining b) rained

Past Simple & Past Continuous



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