1) I eat ………… meat because I’m on a diet. I believe it’s good to give up fatty food. a) a little b) a few c) little d) few 2) Very ……… people came to see my show. I’m really sad. a) a few b) a little c) little d) few 3) He spoke ………….. English so it was difficult for him to communicate with other students. a) a little b) little c) few d) a few 4) Poor John. He looks so tired. He needs …………. days off work. a) few b) a few c) a little d) little 5) Amanda drank ………… coffee but no fizzy drinks. a) a little b) a few c) few d) little 6) As a child she had ………… close friends. She was quite reserved. a) a few b) a little c) little d) few 7) Actually we’ve been to Greece ………….. times so we know what place you’re talking about. a) a little b) few c) little d) a few

A few /few; a little/little klasa 8 (Julek)


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