a-, an- - not; without, dia- - complete; through, dys- - painful; difficult, hyper- - above; above normal; excessive, inter- - between, poly- - many; much, -al; -ary; -eal; -ic; -ous - pertaining to, -cele - hernia; swelling; protrusion, -e - (suffix with no meaning; makes word a noun)), -gram - record; image, -iasis - abnormal condition, -lysis - breakdown; separation; loosening, -pexy - surgical fixation, -poietin - substance that forms, -sclerosis - hardening; thickening, -stitial - pertaining to standing or positioned, -tripsy - crushing, -uria - urination; condition of urine, -us - structure; thing; tissue,

12.Urinary Prefixes & Suffixes



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