1) The Romanian flag is... a) b) c) d) 2) The Swedish flag is... a) b) c) d) 3) The flag of Turkey is... a) b) c) d) 4) The flag of the European Union is... a) b) c) d) 5) Bucharest is the capital of... a) Romania b) Turkey c) Belgium d) France e) Sweden f) Netherland 6) Ankara is the capital of... a) Belgium b) Sweden c) France d) Germany e) Romania f) Turkey 7) Paris is the capital of... a) Sweden b) France c) Germany d) Turkey e) Romania f) Belgium 8) Stockholm is the capital of... a) Germany b) Sweden c) Romania d) France e) Belgium f) Finland 9) Bruxelles is the capital of... a) Germany b) France c) Sweden d) Romania e) Belgium f) Turkey 10) Berlin is the capital of... a) Romania b) Germany c) France d) Belgium e) Sweden f) Turkey

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