My name is Kevin., I like Ice cream., I like bananas., How old are you?, I am 9 years old., Can i have a sandwich?, This is a cat., This is a cow., My favorite colour is red., My favorite animal is dogs., I play soccer. , you are fun., I have a pen., This is my computer., It is cold., This is number five., I live in Haverdal., I have a flashlight., You are nine years old., I like cheese., Can i have a chicken sandwich please?, Yes of course!, I do not like ham., I have a blue tshirt., John has black jeans., I have blue pants., I have a red skirt., i have white socks., you have a black sweater. , I have a pink cap., I like tomatoes., I play Fortnite., This is my leg., This is my head., This is my hand., I am tall., He is tall, you are tall, I am short., I am cool.,

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