Upcycling an item today, Remember to switch off and unplug your computer and devices at the end of the day, Take 5 minutes in the sun if you can, Take a quick walk on the ground with no shoes on, Take your reusable shopping bags to the shops, Do some exercise outside, Manually wash your car, Hang your washing outside, Water your plants in your home or bring a plant into your working environment, Get some sunlight this morning and later this afternoon, Take a moment to take a photo of something interesting in nature, Compost your food waste, Plan a picnic for this weekend, Plan a hike for this weekend, Take a walk in a park near you, Water your plants with a watering can to save water, Plant a tree this week, Pick up litter in your neighbourhood today / this week, Use a digital tool like OneNote to make your notes for the day, Tell the group on WhatsApp what your favourite plant/flower is, Share your favourite sustainability activity with the group on WhatsApp.

What is my daily/weekly Environmental Wellness challenge



દૃશ્યમાન શૈલી


ટેમ્પલેટ બદલો

આપોઆપ સંગ્રહ થયેલ છે: ?