1) The type of software that lets you design web pages without writing HTML codes a) PDF b) web-editor c) tables 2) The format invented by Adobe to destribute text files over the Internet a) WYSIWYG b) CSS c) PDF 3) Three common graphics formats used on websites a) avi, mov, mpg b) jpg, gif, png c) html, pdf, wysiwyg 4) Highlighted text or pictures that act as links to other pages a) wallpaper b) full-motion video c) hyperlinks 5) With columns and rows, used to position images and text on a page a) background b) tables c) web page elements 6) A mechanism for adding styles to web documents a) Cascading style Sheets b) icons c) graphics 7) Displayed in a variety of fonts and sizes a) frames b) tables c) text 8) Rectangular areas that allow the display of different pages in the same browser window a) frames b) tables c) text 9) To see or hear all these files, you must have the right ..., an auxiliary program. a) plug - in b) plug - out c) pluggy 10) Small programs that enable the creation of interactive files a) Hyperlinks b) Adobe Flash c) Java applets



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