1) X: I'm having a washing machine delivered this evening. Y: .......... X: No, it's fine, thanks. a) Can you give me a hand with it? b) I'd rather you didn't. c) Do you need a hand? d) Well, couldn't be better. e) That would be great! 2) X: Could I ask you a favour? Y: ........... X:  I wandered if you could look after my plants while I'm away. a) Depends what it is. b) No, go ahead. c) Nothing at all. d) Of course, I will. e) I certainly don't. 3) X: Can you give me my book back? Y: .......... X: All right then. Take your time. I can wait a few more days. a) I totally agree, thank you. b) I'm so sorry but I'm still reading it. c) Sorry, I must return it. d) Well, I'm not sure, either. e) Oh no, no problem. 4) X: I really love skiing. What about you? Y: .......... X: Oh no, not at all. a) I wish I could ski well. b) I'm not keen on it. c) I'm afraid I don't. d) Actually, I don't know much about it. e) Isn't it terribly dangerous? 5) X: Thank you so much for your help. Y: .......... X: It means alot to me. a) No, not at all. b) That's right. c) That's so kind of you. d) Don't mention it. e) Do you really?

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