社区 - community, 经验 - experience, 段 - a measure word (used of a section), 老人院 - old people's home, 行动 - move about, 不便 - inconvenient, 自理 - take care of oneself, 整理 - put in order, 衣物 - clothing and other articles of daily use, 打麻将 - play mahjong, 推 - push, 轮椅 - wheelchair, 晒太阳 - sun bathe, 清洁 - clean, 娇生惯养 - be pampered and spoiled, 干活儿 - do manual labour, 何 - what; where; who, 成 - achievement, 成就感 - sense of accomplishment, 感受 - feel, 观察 - observe, 孤独 - lonely, 关爱 - love and care, 公益 - public welfare, 今后 - from now on, 意义 - meaning, 体验 - learn from experience, 同时 - at the same time, 社会 - society, 贡献 - contribute,



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