1) She .................... travel to Paris next month. She has a new job here now.  a) isn't going to b) won't 2) I promise you I ............ help you with your homework. a) will b) am going to 3) They ................. move to a new house next week. It is very beautiful. a) are going to  b) will 4) A: Do you want some pizza? I.............................order now. B: Sure.  a) 'll b) am going to  5) I think it ..................... rain today. a) won't b) isn't going to 6) He .................... meet his friends this evening.  He has already called them. a) is going to b) will 7) They ............................ Arnold at 7.30 this evening to work on the new project.  a) are meeting b) will meet 8) The train ........................ this afternoon at 2.30. Don't be late. a) is going to leave b) is leaving

Choose will or going to or present continuous!


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