1) 2 POINTS! In the bus's back sat snacking yaks. 2) 2 POINTS! An ape ate eighteen apples in April. 3) 2 POINTS! Don't double-dare daring deer! 4) 2 POINTS! A band of baffling, bumbling baboons. 5) 2 POINTS! Ferrets dress in festive vests. 6) 3 POINTS! Lazy lions gaze at gazelles. 7) 3 POINTS! Chuck Chipmunk chewed chestnuts. 8) 3 POINTS! Zed is a zebra who sells snazzy zippers. 9) 3 POINTS! The white-whiskered wet walrus went west. 10) 4 POINTS! Two tired toads tied twine. 11) 4 POINTS! Will a gorilla grill a burger? 12) 4 POINTS! A big black bug bit a big black bear. 13) 5 POINTS! Gary Giraffe gave Greta Gazelle a grape. 14) 5 POINTS! Charming chimps chomp chips. 15) 6 POINTS! Chilly cheetahs chow on chewy cherries. 

Tongue Twister Boxes! Set 1



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