Would you rather be able to fly or be invisible?, Would you rather live in a treehouse or a cave?, Would you rather have a pet unicorn or a pet dragon?, Would you rather live in the city or the countryside?, Would you rather be able to talk to animals or speak any language fluently?, Would you rather be in jail for five years or be in a coma for a decade?, Would you rather lose your sight or your memories?, Would you rather lose the ability to read or lose the ability to speak?, Would you rather be in jail for a year or lose a year off your life?, Would you rather type faster or dance better?.

5Bu3 Grammar - Would you rather ...?



રેન્ડમ કાર્ડ્સ એ ઓપન-એન્ડેડ ટેમ્પલેટ છે. તે લીડરબોર્ડ માટે સ્કોર જનરેટ કરતું નથી.

દૃશ્યમાન શૈલી


ટેમ્પલેટ બદલો

આપોઆપ સંગ્રહ થયેલ છે: ?