1) ______________time did you go to bed? At 10 p.m. a) What b) Where c) When d) Who e) How often 2) _______________did you play basketball? About 2 hours. a) What b) Where c) When d) Who e) How long 3) ______________ did you see on T.V? A comedy movie. a) What b) Where c) When d) Who e) How long 4) ______________ did you visit on vacation? My grandma. a) What b) Where c) When d) Who e) How long 5) __________did you start your final homework? I started last week. a) What b) Where c) Why d) When e) Who 6) ____________ did you break the window? I was angry. a) What b) Where c) Why d) Who e) How long 7) _____________ did you go shopping? I went last night. a) Where b) What c) Why d) When e) How long 8) ___________ did you see at the concert? I saw Lady Gaga. a) Where b) What c) Why d) Who e) How Long 9) ___________ did you go for vacation? I went to Brazil. a) Where b) What c) Why d) Who e) How long

Choose the correct question word



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