1) A pair of chromosome during meiosis I. 2) Spindle fibers attach to ________________ of chromosomes. 3) The first stage of cell division. 4) The stage where a cell actually divides. 5) A special type of protein that is responsible of transporting large quantities of water. 6) A specific example of primary active transport. 7) A type of passive transport where molecules diffusing with the concentration gradient through a protein channel. 8) A type of solution that makes a cell burst. 9) Two different molecules moves across the cell membrane in same direction. 10) A process when large molecules brought into a cell through a vesicle. 11) A type of active transport that releases particles that were enclosed from a cell. 12) It is also known as cell drinking 13) It is also known as cell eating. 14) Balance concentration of solute and solvent. 15) a process of creating identical cell 16) it is also known as preparatory stage 17) it is composed of 23 chromosomes 18) A process in which cell actually divides into two. 19) This process in which a pair of chromosomes exchange their segments to provide different variety. 20) A type of cell division that is responsible for reproduction




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