Colombian Exchange - A transfer of plants, animals, and people between Europe. Asia,and Africa on one side and the Americas on the other, Creole - A language developed by enslaved people that is a mixture of French, Spanish, and African., Hispanic - Relating to Spain or to Spanish speaking countries, especially those of Latin America, Penninsulares - People that immigrated from Spain and Portugal to the Americas, Communist - A government whose goal is to create a classless society where workers control the means of production, Socialist - A person who supports a government and economic theory where all property is owned collectively - No private ownership, Push Factors - Reasons a persons leaves a country, Pull Factors - Reasons a person moves to a new country, Catholicism - The faith, practice, and church order of the Roman Catholic Church, Futbol - The most popular sport in the world; it is known as soccer in the United States., Rain-forest - A dense stand of trees and other vegetation that receives a great deal of precipitation (rain) each year., Junta - A government that is led by a military or political group that rules a country after taking power by force. , Left (political) - Liberal, supports equality and egalitarianism., Right (political) - Conservative, supports natural law, economics and tradition., Aztec - A member of the indigenous people dominate in Mexico before the Spanish conquest of the 16th century., Deforestation - The action of clearing a wide area of trees in a forest., Incas - A member of any ot the dominate roups of South American Indian peples who established an empire in Peru prior to the Spanish conques.t, Slash and burn - A method of farming that involves the cutting down of trees and underbrush and burning the area o create a field for crops., Tourism - The study of travel, as an industry and as a social and cultural activity., Terracing - Make or form sloping land into a number of level flat areas resembling a series of steps.,

Latin America Vocabulary



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