1) What is the second key principle? a) Multi agency b) well-being c) Prevention and early intervention  d) Co-production e) Voice and control  2) Who does the the well-being act cover? a) Adults b) Adults and carers c) Children and Adults d) Children and carers e) Adults, Children and carers 3) What are three of the governments key priority areas? a) Childcare, Health and social care and Creative industries b) Childcare and health and social care c) Public services d) Childcare 4) What is dignity? a) Dignity is seeing the individual person and not respecting their own space and way of life. b) Not allowing a person their privacy. c) Respecting the persons own space and way of life d) Controlling a persons decisions. 5) Should you use mouth wash after brushing your teeth? a) Yes b) No 6) Should you take a persons hearing aid off them? a) Yes b) No 7) How should you act if someone has an accident? a) Leave them b) Ignore it c) Laugh at them d) Help quickly and sensitvely. e) Make a big scene 8) What is respect? a) Being judgemental to someone based on their past decisions. b) Not adressing someone correctly. c) Not being judgemental torwards someone because of something they may have done.  d) Making fun of someone. 9) After an elderly person has fallen what can they do? a) Stay at home b) Don't tell anyone c) Not do anything around the house, just stay in bed. d) Be embarrased e) Go to simple exercise classes. 10) If a person wants someone to speak welsh to them do they have the right? a) Yes b) No c) Sometimes but not always 11) To respect someones dignity when they are on the toilet you should: a) Laugh b) Be awkward c) Make facial expressions d) Be kind e) Place a towel over them 12) If a person in a care home wants a certain food should they be allowed to have it? a) Yes b) No, they should have the same as everyone else 13) Should you offer to help someone in a care home? a) Offer support but don't be eager and insist on helping them. b) No, leave them be independent 14) When should you discriminate someone? a) Age b) Sexual orientation c) Religion d) Never e) Sometimes 15) When did the social services and well-being act get brought into place? a) 2016 b) 2018 c) 2011 d) 2012 e) 2014 16) Code of practice for social care workers was published on what date? a) 2014 b) 2010 c) 2004 d) 2000 e) 2002


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