closing arguments - made by each side’s attorney after the cases for the plaintiff and defendant have been presented, relevant evidence - makes a fact in question more or less probable than it would be without the evidence, circumstantial evidence - offered to establish, by inference, the likelihood of a fact that is in question, testimony - verbal evidence given by witnesses under oath, direct evidence - establishes the existence of a fact that is in question without relying on inference, direct examination - examination of a witness by the attorney who calls the witness to the stand to testify, confrontation clause - part of the Sixth Amendment that guarantees all defendants the right to confront witnesses testifying against them during the criminal trial, evidence - anything that is used to prove the existence or nonexistence of a fact, expert witness - has professional training or substantial experience qualifying him or her to testify on a certain subject, hearsay - oral or written statement made by an out-of-court speaker that is later offered in court by a witness (not the speaker) concerning a matter before the court, directed verdict - requests that the court grant judgment in favor of the defense on the ground that the prosecution has not produced sufficient evidence to support the state’s claim, real evidence - brought into court and seen by the jury, as opposed to evidence that is described for a jury, lay witness - witness who can truthfully and accurately testify on a fact in question without having specialized training or knowledge, rebuttal - evidence given to counteract or disprove evidence presented by the opposing party, cross examination - questioning of an opposing witness during trial,


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