1) The Eiffel Tower ______________ in 1889. a) is build b) was build c) built d) was built 2) All the singer's clothes ____________ specially for her. a) was made b) are make c) were made d) made 3) The grass _____________ every month. a) is cutted b) was cut c) cut d) is cut e) cutted 4) Australia _________________ by Captain Cook in 1770. a) was discover b) is discovered c) was discovered d) discovered 5) This morning I ________________ up by the neighbour's dog.  a) woke b) is woken c) was woke d) was woken 6) Cricket __________ in the summer in the UK.  a) was played b) is plaied c) played d) is played 7) These songs ____________ last year.  a) was recorded b) is record c) were recorded d) recorded 8) Most children _____________ in state schools.  a) are educated b) educated c) was educated d) were educated 9) The house... in 1990. a) built b) was built c) has been built 10) 200 people... by the company every year.. a) are employed b) employ c) was employed 11) ... this room... every day? a) is ... cleaned b) does ... clean 12) A lot of money... in the robbery. a) was stole b) steal c) was stolen d) were stolen 13) The palace... by my great grandfather. a) was built b) were built c) built 14) Many accidents ... by careless driving. a) cause b) are caused 15) I ... to parties very often. a) not invite b) don't invite c) am not invited 16) We ... up by a loud noise in the middle of the night. a) woke b) were woken 17) 'Did you go to the party?' 'No, I ....' a) wasn't invited b) did't invite



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