I don't know how I'd manage if your weren't so generous ( but) - But for your generosity, I don't know how I'd manage, You'll be perfectly safe-unless you do anything stupid ( provided) - Provided (that) you don't do anything stupid, you'll be perfectly safe., Everybody is welcome to join our yoga class. Their age doesn't matter. (regardless)  - Everybody is welcome to join our yoga class regardless of how old they are, There's no point copying someone's essay. It won't teach you anything useful. (inasmuch) - Copying someone's essay is pointless inasmuch as you won't learn anything useful , The acting is terrible. I know the actors are only children, but it spoils the film ( granted)  - The actors are terrible. Granted, they are only children , but they spoil the film, Although Chris was reluctant to go to the audition with Jess, he followed her ( albeit) - Chris followed Jess to the audition albeit reluctantly, Mary accepted the job of a set designer, after some hesitation, though ( albeit)  - Mary accepted the job of a set designer, albeit with some hesitation, It would be hard to do this job better in these curcumstances. Well done! (given)  - Given the curcumstances, it would be hard to do this job better. ,

Linkers Roadmap C1



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