Do they have to travel a lot?, Did you have to take the bus to work yesterday?, Katy had to look after her little brother last night., I didn't have to do any chores when I was five., What time do you have to get up in the morning?, We have to tidy up our room every weekend., I don't have to use a uniform at school. I can wear casual clothes., Do you have to study for your exam?, Could Brenda speak French when she was a little girl?, Did he have to make his breakfast? Yes, he did. , Did Josh and Kate have to walk to school? Yes, they did., Did they have to go home? Yes, they did., What did Josh have to do on Friday? He had to do the History test., Could Mum use a computer? Yes, she could., Could Dad make a cake? No, he couldn’t. , Could they ride a bike? Yes, they could, Do they have to stay in hotels? Yes, they do., Do they have to do the housework? No, they don’t., Does Shirley have to make her bed? No, she doesn’t., Do they have to get up very early? No, they don’t., Did you have to take notes yesterday? Yes, I did., Could Paul and Tom draw well? No, they couldn’t., Can the students pass the exam? Yes, they can.,



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