Tom: Hey, Lucy. Have you seen the new horror film that just came ____? I heard it's ____ terrifying. Lucy: No, I haven't yet. Is it really ____ scary? Tom: Oh yeah, my friend saw it and said he couldn't sleep for a whole week after watching it. Lucy: Wow, that's saying something. I love horror films but sometimes they can be a ____ over the top for me. Tom: Yeah, well this one is ____ different. It's actually a little ____ psychological than your typical slasher movie. Lucy: Really? That might make it ____ scarier. Tom: Exactly. The suspense builds up far more than usual. And the effects are amazing. You barely even notice them because they seem so ____. Lucy: Interesting. Although, I don't know if I'm ready to subject myself to something as ____ as that. Tom: Come on, Lucy. I'll go with you. We can hold hands during the scary parts. Lucy: Okay, fine. But only if we get there early. Those popular films always ____ up quickly. Tom: Sounds good. As long as we get snacks too. I need some popcorn to ____ my nerves. Lucy: Of course, anything to distract us from the horrors on screen. Tom: Great. By the way, have you seen that other action film that just came out? It's supposed to be really good. Lucy: Which one? There are so many these days. Tom: The one where the main character has superpowers and fights against aliens? Lucy: Oh yes, I've seen the trailer. The effects look ____. Tom: Yes, and the reviews say it's ____ better than the first one. Apparently the action scenes are ____ more realistic and the plot is tighter. Lucy: Well, now I definitely want to see it. Tom: Perfect. We'll go see that one after the horror film then. Lucy: As ____ as I don't have nightmares about aliens afterwards. Tom: Don't worry, Lucy. It's just a movie. And trust me, this one is much ____ than any other alien invasion movie you've seen before. Lucy: Alright then, let's do it. You've convinced me.

Interactive 4 onversation for unit 4



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