1) The globalization of markets has led to a significant increase in the ___________ of goods and services worldwide. a) globalisation b) consumption c) using up d) exhaust 2) Multinational corporations often offer _________ to attract global customers, contributing to the widespread availability of affordable products. a) price cuts b) consumption c) monopoly d) discounts 3) Despite the rise of multinational companies, it's crucial to support ___________ industries to maintain a balanced global economy. a) domestic b) multinational c) international d) locally 4) Globalization can impact __________ rates, as interconnected economies may experience simultaneous increases or decreases in the cost of living. a) domestic b) globalisation c) inflation d) discounts 5) Some multinational corporations have been accused of creating a ____________ in certain markets, limiting competition and consumer choice. a) monopoly b) inflation c) deflation d) consumption 6) _____________ companies operate in multiple countries, contributing to the interconnectedness of the global economy. a) Domestic b) Local c) Overseas d) Multinational 7) Globalization has led to the establishment of international ______________, making it easier for consumers to access a variety of products from different parts of the world. a) outlets b) convenience c) ensure d) specialty 8) The _____________ of online shopping has been a driving force behind the globalization of retail markets. a) difficulty b) specialty c) ensure d) convenience 9) Governments play a crucial role in ___________ that the benefits of globalization are distributed fairly among their citizens. a) ensuring b) delivering c) discounting d) influencing 10) Businesses often _____________ with new marketing strategies to adapt to the challenges and opportunities presented by a globalized market. a) ensure b) experiment c) discount d) selling point 11) Globalization has contributed to a significant _____________ in the movement of people, goods, and information across borders. a) increase b) experiment c) selling point d) influence 12) Multinational corporations wield considerable ____________ in shaping global economic policies and trade agreements. a) increase b) experiment c) selling point d) influence 13) The impact of globalization on different countries can be _____________ uneven, with some nations benefiting more than others. a) increase b) dominantly c) relatively d) reputation 14) Globalization allows consumers to access ___________ products from around the world, contributing to cultural exchange and diversity. a) selling point b) relatively c) specialty d) supplier 15) Certain multinational companies have become _____________ players in the global market, influencing trends and consumer behavior. a) influence b) dominant c) dominantly d) influentially 16) In the era of globalization, a company's ______________ can be easily affected by its practices and behavior on the international stage. a) influence b) dominant c) reputation d) selling point 17) Offering unique cultural elements can be a ______________ for businesses looking to stand out in the global marketplace a) selling point b) reputation c) relative d) experiment 18) Building strong relationships with global _____________ is essential for businesses seeking to thrive in the international market. a) supplier b) selling point c) reputations d) suppliers 19) The demand for imported products continues to go up as globalization facilitates easier access to international markets a) increase b) continue c) study 20) Despite the attractive offer, the company decided to turn down the opportunity to outsource production to a cheaper overseas supplier a) continue b) refuse c) accept 21) Researchers are actively looking into the effects of globalization on income inequality in different regions of the world. a) study b) studying c) investigated 22) As consumerism rises, there is a risk that we will use up natural resources at an unsustainable rate, leading to long-term environmental damage. a) exhaust b) increase c) exclude d) continue 23) It's important not to mix up cultural differences with stereotypes when discussing the impact of globalization on societies a) exclude b) confuse c) study d) continue 24) In the discussion about globalization's effects on local economies, we must not leave out the perspectives of small businesses and local entrepreneurs a) exhuast b) exclude c) excluding d) increase 25) Globalization has the potential to take away jobs from certain industries, but it also opens up new opportunities in others. a) exclude b) remove c) renew d) increase 26) Despite challenges, the trend of globalization is expected to go on, influencing how businesses operate and how people connect across borders. a) increase b) continuing c) continue d) exclude



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