1) Can you recall a book or movie that you found fast-moving? What made it so engaging? 2) Share an experience or a piece of art that you found moving. How did it impact you emotionally? 3) Discuss a compelling story you've encountered recently. What elements made it so captivating? 4) What's your favorite action-packed movie or TV series? What do you enjoy about it? 5) Have you ever had a disappointing experience with a book, movie, or event? What went wrong? 6) Describe an exhilarating experience you've had. What made it so thrilling? 7) Share an example of something you find cliched. Why do you think certain ideas become cliches? 8) Discuss a story or movie with an implausible plot. Did it affect your enjoyment of the narrative? 9) Can you think of something that was overhyped but didn't live up to expectations? What was it? 10) Discuss a movie or book that you found predictable. Did it impact your overall enjoyment? 11) Describe something you've seen or experienced that you found stunning. What made it visually impressive? 12) Consider a documentary or news article you found credible. What elements contributed to its reliability? 13) Have you ever found a film, book, or music album to be tedious, and if so, what specific elements contributed to your sense of monotony or lack of interest? 14) Can you recall a film, book, or music album that you found atmospheric, and what elements in the storytelling, setting, or composition contributed to creating a distinctive mood or ambiance? 15) Have you ever encountered a film, book, or music album that fell short in convincing you, leaving an impression of disbelief or dissatisfaction? What specific elements in the storyline, characters, or presentation contributed to this sense of being unconvincing?

Adjectives for Review - CAE speaking



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