1) The house _____ in 1970. a) was built b) is built c) will be built d) has been built 2) Football ______ by lots of people all over the world. a) was played b) is played c) are played d) has been played 3) Chinese ______ in our school. a) wasn't teached b) isn't teached c) aren't taught d) isn't taught 4) Cars ________ by people every day. a) are used b) is used c) will be used d) were used 5) America ____ by Columbus. a) has been discovered b) is discovered c) was discovered d) was been discovered 6) Mars ____ by people in 2050. a) will visited b) will be visited c) would visited d) would be visited 7) The course_____ by students next year. a) will be finished b) is finished c) would finished d) was finished 8) Harry Potter _____ by J.K.Rowling. a) was wrote b) is wrote c) has been written d) was written 9) The first McDonalds hamburger ___ in 1995. a) was made b) was maked c) were made d) were maked 10) These shoes ___ in Italy. a) was made b) are maked c) were made d) was maked 11) English ____ almost everywhere. a) is spoken b) is speak c) was spoken d) was spoke 12) Computers_____in many different shops. a) are solded b) are selled c) were sold d) are sold 13) Radio ____ by Popov in 1896. a) was invented b) were invented c) was invent d) is invented 14) The light bulb ___ by Thomas Edison 120 years ago.  a) were invented b) is invented c) was invented d) has been invented 15) A lot of houses ___ by Hurricane Katrina in the USA. a) was destroyed b) were destroyed c) will be destroyed d) is destroyed


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