Matthew and his sister Marilla lived on a farm ____ an island. Mathew was ____ and ____. He ____ people but he was good-natured. Marilla had a ____ face and ____ angry easily. But there was something about her that ____ that she had a kind heart. They ____ young and needed help on the farm. They ____ married and ____ have children so they decided ____ take a boy from a children's home. Matthew ____ at the station to pick the boy up but there was no boy. There was a girl with ____ and in a dirty dress. She was ____. Matthew took her to his carriage as it was getting ____. She ____ all the way home. She couldn't ____ as much as she wanted in the children's home and she ____ go anywhere. She ____ Matthew about her dream to have a white dress. Her hair was red and she also wanted ____ hair. She was too ____ and had freckles but she wanted to look pretty. When they arrived ____ the farm she liked the house so much that she cried ____.

Anne of Green Gables: Ch 1


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