Structure - Something made up of parts that are put together in a particular way for a specific purpose. Examples include bridges, dams, furniture., Strength - An object's ability to hold its shape and withstand forces, like tension, compression, torsion, and shear without falling apart., Stability - A structure's ability to keep its shape, maintain balance, float or stay fixed in one spot when a force is applied. The wider the base of a structure, the more stable it is., Form - The characteristics of an object, including its shape, size, and the material it's made of. (e.g., bike), Function - The purpose a structure/object serves or what it helps people do. (A bike helps people get around), Magnitude - A measurement of the size of a force., Natural Structures - Structures that are not created by humans. Examples include bee hives, beaver dams, and bird nests., Built Structures - Structures that are created by humans. Examples schools, houses, apartment buildings., Engineer - A structural engineer is someone who uses math and science to invent, design, build, and care for structures, such as houses, roads, bridges, dams, and airports., Shell structure - A hallow structure made from a strong, thin outer layer. Examples are, a climbing dome, an egg, an airplane., Frame structure - A structure that is made stable by a skeleton (of beams and columns) that is able to stand by itself. Examples include bikes, bridges, chairs., Solid structure - A structure that uses solid construction materials to support loads. Examples include, castles, wooden telephone poles, and statues. , Load - The mass or weight of an object that is moved by a machine., Strut - A bar or brace used in a structure to resist pressure in the direction of its length., Tie - A beam or rod which holds two pieces together in a structure., Force - A push or pull that can make an object change speed, shape, or direction., Push - A force that moves an object away from another object. , Pull - A force that moves an object towards another object. , Friction - A force that holds back the movement of a sliding object. , Compression - A force that presses or squeezes something together. , Tension - A force that stretches the thing it is action on., Durability - The ability to last for a long time without breaking., Triangulation - The addition of bracing in the form of a cross beam or strut to make a structure more stable. , Centre of gravity - The place in an object or body where the weight is evenly spread out and all sides are in balance.,

Strong & Stable Structures vocabulary Grade 3



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